PESCM Pride Forever
By Bernadette Perez:
At Pet Emergency and Specialty Center of Marin, we are committed to promoting diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in all aspects of our operations. We believe that celebrating diversity and creating an inclusive environment is an ongoing effort that should not be limited to specific days or months. As we look towards what remains of 2023, we are prioritizing DEI initiatives throughout the year. To achieve this goal, we have taken several recent actions, including:

Supporting Pride VMC’s mission to improve the lives of the LGBTQ+ veterinary community by signing the Gender Identity Bill of Rights. We are dedicated to enhancing our organizational policies to create a secure and inclusive environment for all our LGBTQ+ colleagues.
The PrideVMC Gender Identity Bill of Rights
Gender Identity Bill of Rights – Pride Veterinary Medical Community
PrideVMC’s mission is to create a better world for the LGBTQIA+ veterinary community that embraces wellbeing by being their authentic selves.

Making donations to Our Space/You Thrive, an organization that works with LGBTQ+ youth in Marin, and the Spahr Center, which provides programs for youth, families, and individuals living with HIV in Marin. We are committed to continuing our efforts towards DEI and creating a safe and welcoming environment for everyone at Pet Emergency and Specialty Center of Marin.

Both current and new staff will need to finish the “Journey For Teams” DEI training provided by AVMA. This training provides online educational materials, including presentations and resource guides, to encourage inclusive language and practices.
Staff-preferred pronouns are used on hospital name tags and email signatures.
Join us in supporting these organizations, suggest others, and be part of our ongoing commitment to PESCM Pride Forever.